Roots Cape Breton Genealogy

Are you looking for your Cape Breton ancestors?

We can help. Do you know a family member who was born or lived in Cape Breton? With just a few details we may be able help you find your long lost relatives. Roots Cape Breton is a computer-assisted, fee based research service for those in search of their Cape Breton roots. Research may be carried out on site or by e-mail.   

Research Fees*

Initial consultation to outline a research procedure: $10.00
Research done on site without assistance: $5.00/hr or $30/day
Research Contracted to Office Staff: $30.00/hr
School Record Search (by office staff only): $10.00/search
*Photocopies and computer printouts extra.

Please fill in the research form with as much information as you have available. Click on submit and the form will come to us. We will assess your request and get back to you. To book an appointment please contact Pauline MacLean at 902-725-2272, 1-866-442-3542 or via email at

*Confirmation of research and payment of fees is required before contracted research is started.
*Rates are subject to change.

Holdings & Research Aids

Roots Cape Breton has many types of records available and we are continually adding new records as they become available. Our Library includes published genealogies and histories of communities and counties. We also have many unpublished genealogies, family histories, research files and periodicals referring to Cape Breton history and culture.
*Special group rates are available for research tours, special and family groups outside regular business hours.

For further online sources of genealogical information click here.