A visit to Highland Village relates to many aspects of Nova Scotia Elementary and Secondary school curricula:
- Gaelic language and culture in Nova Scotia
- Material culture of rural living
- Changing technology and life on the land
- Historical architecture and artifacts
Students visiting Highland Village will have an educational encounter with the tangible and intangible past. Learning opportunities can include the following activities:
- Comparing and contrasting historical eras.
- Connecting the past with the present.
- Discussing and writing about Gaelic culture.
- Following the historical development of Gaelic Nova Scotia.
- Gaining an appreciation for the historical lifestyles of Highland settlers.
- Identifying artifacts and interpreting their uses and relevance.
- Interpreting the history of everyday life from different social perspectives.
- Learning about the relationship of buildings and tools to the land and daily labour.
By integrating buildings, artifacts and culture, the Village evokes Highland history in Nova Scotia through animation of life in times past.
In the Final Report of the Voluntary Planning Heritage Strategy Task Force the following areas were suggested as topics for each grade.
Grade Primary - Roots – Place “Connections”
- historic family roots
- family traditions
- natural and constructed features of their community
Grade 1 - Place and Time “Interactions"
- evolution of their community Needs and Wants
- interdependence of communities
Grade 2 – People “Change”
- the future of their community
- technological change in their community
- changing nature of work in their community
Grade 3 - Examine Nova Scotia “Provincial Identity”
- Place, Peoples, Citizenship and Heritage.
Grade 4 - The Nature of Exploration “Explorations”
- explorers and the impact of exploration Exploring Landscapes of Canada
- physical and human landscape
- heritage symbols associated with Canada’s symbols
Grade 5 - Colonial, French and British “Societies”
- “My Society Today”
Grade 6 - Canada: Reflections on a Multicultural Mosaic “World Cultures”
Grade 7 – “Empowerment”
- examines Canada from around 1800 to the end of World War I
Grade 8 - “Canadian Identity”
- examines Canada from WWI to present
Grade 9 - “Atlantic Canada in the Global Community”
- examines Atlantic Canada and its connection to the rest of the world.
Grade 11 - Canadian History 11
Gaelic Studies 11
Geography 11 / Geography of Canada 11
*Information provided by the Department of Education as reported in the Final Report of the Voluntary Planning Heritage Strategy Task Force.