
Cothrom Cosnaidh: Stiùiriche Cùisean Luchd-céilidh (Employment Opportunity: Visitor Experience Manager)

Thig a dh'obair còmhla rinn! Tha sinn a’ fastadh stiùiriche ùr gus taic a thoirt dha 'n sgioba againn aig Baile nan Gàidheal. Ma tha na sgilean a tha dhìth oirnn agad, bu mhath leinn cluinntinn bhuat!

The Highland Village Museum is hiring for an exciting management position! We are seeking a dedicated and dynamic Visitor Experience Manager to lead our efforts in providing engaging and meaningful visitor experiences. This role involves developing and overseeing interactive programs that highlight the rich Gaelic language, culture, and heritage of Nova Scotia. If you have strong leadership skills, a passion for cultural preservation, and experience in museum settings, we would love to hear from you.

More information here (PDF)

Cothrom Cosnaidh: Oifigear an Ionmhais (Employment Opportunity: Finance Officer)

Thig a dh’obair còmhla rinn!  Tha sinn a’ fastadh Oifigear an Iomhais aig Baile nan Gàidheal. Ma tha na sgilean a tha dhìth oirnn agad, bu mhath leinn cluinntinn bhuat!

The Highland Village Museum is hiring for an exciting management position! We are seeking a dedicated and dynamic Financial Officer to support our daily operations in financial management, human resources, and information management. This role is crucial in ensuring our visitor experiences are engaging and meaningful, highlighting the rich Gaelic language, culture, and heritage of Nova Scotia.

More information here (PDF)

Cothrom Cosnaidh: Fuineadair/ Neach-cosnaidh a’ chafaidh (Employment Opportunity: Baker/Café Clerk)

Thig a dh’ obair còmhla rinn! Tha sinn a’ fastadh Fuineadair/Neach-consaidh a’ chafaidh a bhios stéidhichte aig Baile nan Gàidheal.  Ma tha na sgilean a tha dhìth oirnn agad, bu mhath leinn cluinntinn bhuat!

The Highland Village Museum is hiring for an exciting and dynamic Baker/Café Clerk position! We are seeking a dedicated individual to enhance our visitor experience by preparing and serving a selection of freshly prepared, handmade foods in our new Welcome Centre. This role is vital in creating a welcoming and enjoyable environment, celebrating the rich Gaelic culture of Nova Scotia.

More information here (PDF)